For all our bearded folk, be it short or long beards, we have designed this beard comb. It is handmade with genuine horn by an artisan with great craftsmanship, and established since 1995. Please note that horn has the same molecular formula as hair, i.e. keratin. The horn comb is one of our very first successful products at Lames & Tradition as it inspired us in 2014, and we agree to say that it is a firm favourite product, since it is handmade and with grand craftsmanship and has outstanding properties. Our comb is perfect for bearded folk who wish to have a smooth and thick beard. Indeed, it will give volume and slickness to your beard.
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in metropolitan France
Horn Beard Combs display many benefits that one should know. Thanks to effects of keratin, horn combs will smoothen your beard hairs without pulling them out, compared to a synthetic comb. It will give extra volume and shape to your hair whilst making them shine. Keratin will also make your beard silky smooth. Please note, that horn is a nonconducting material, that is to say the com has an antistatic effect. That is why people often say that horns combs are relaxing and stress-relieving.
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CEO & Founder DooTr
CEO & Founder DooTr
CEO & Founder DooTr
CEO & Founder DooTr